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UMMS Celebrates Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month, a time to honor and celebrate women's contributions in American society. This year we are recognizing Women's History Month in a different way – by featuring short messages of UMMS and UM School of Medicine leaders talking about women who have inspired them and why.

At one time or another, we have all been inspired by special people in history or in our own lives, who have moved, motivated and influenced us in ways big and small. It is our hope that by watching these videos, you will see how the acts of others have made a difference in the lives of some of the women who are our colleagues at UMMS.

We encourage you to watch the video messages below, and to check back often, as we will be adding new videos all month. Also, take a few moments today and during this month to think about women who have had a special impact on you. If they are people you know and are still living, reach out and tell them how and why they have inspired you. You, and they, will be glad you did.


Women's History Month Resources