UM BWMG Adult and Senior Care new patient visit

UM Baltimore Washington Medical Group – Adult & Senior Care understands that it can be a difficult decision to part ways with your current primary care doctor and start seeing an adult and senior care specialist. But it is a decision that will help you live an active and healthy life well into your later years. Our patients benefit from longer appointment times, specialized care designed for the needs of older adults, same-day appointments, access to social and care management services, and more.

Here’s what you can expect at your first patient visit at UM BWMG – Adult & Senior Care:

  • You will be encouraged to bring a loved one with you if you could benefit from having a support person present. This could be a spouse, child, sibling or close friend.
  • All new patient visits are one-hour long. We allow plenty of time to get to know you, review your medical history, answer your questions, provide education, and explain next steps. We value your time and do not rush our patients.
  • You will be asked to bring any current medications you are taking so we can discuss their purpose, possible interactions, and a medication plan for moving forward.
  • We conduct a comprehensive exam, including checking your gait (how you walk), listening to your heart and breathing, measuring your blood pressure, conducting a memory loss screening, and other check-ups as needed.
  • We explain any preventive screenings and immunizations that may be recommended for your age group or specific health history.

As an established patient, you will benefit from:

  • Dedicated support and personalized care plans to help you age with confidence.
  • Same-day appointment availability at our two office locations.
  • Long appointment times – many of our appointments are 30-45 minutes in length so we can spend ample time with you.
  • Help accessing social or specialized health services as needed, such as physical therapy, home nursing, and acquiring medical equipment.
  • Access to specialty physicians across the University of Maryland Medical System when you need expert care for cardiology, vascular, orthopaedics, cancer, urology, spine, neurology and more.

For more information about transitioning your care or the care of your aging parent to UM BWMG –Adult & Senior Care, call 410-553-2900.