About Us

The Tate Cancer Center uses the latest, minimally invasive technology for safer treatment and faster recovery, and our cancer care specialists work together to ensure a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient.

Our Cancer Center is also affiliated with the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center (UMGCCC), and is part of the University of Maryland Cancer Network. The Network provides access to national experts, the latest treatments, leading edge technology, and promising clinical trials


  • Accredited by the Commission on Cancer as an Academic Comprehensive Cancer Program (ACAD). ACADs are cancer centers that provide post graduate medical education, assesses more than 500 newly diagnosed cancer patients each year, offer a full range of diagnostic and treatment services, and participate in cancer related clinical research. Only 13 percent of all cancer programs in the nation have achieved this status.
  • A member of The Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, a national clinical trials network sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. The Alliance comprises nearly 10,000 cancer specialists at hospitals, medical centers and community clinics across the United States and Canada who offer their patients clinical trials for different types of cancer.
  • A member of NRG Oncology Clinical Trial Cooperative Group currently comprised of over 1000 member sites including institutions on five continents representing all oncological specialties and disciplines.
  • Recognized by the National Pancreas Foundation (NPF) as an approved NPF Academic Center of Excellence for pancreatic cancer. NPF Centers are institutions that focus on a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of pancreatic cancer, treating the "whole patient" with an emphasis on the best possible outcomes and an improved quality of life.