Nest and Nurture

Nest and Nurture is a prenatal education program that promotes healthy pregnancies for parents to be and healthy beginnings for their babies. Our program offers free education classes and support services to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes to women who may face barriers such as low-income or little to no insurance. We focus on comprehensive education to empower women to adopt healthy behaviors to deliver full-term, healthy babies.
Program Goals
- To decrease the number of premature births and birth defects.
- To decrease the number of low birth weight babies born.
- To decrease the number of infant deaths by promoting safe sleep practices.
Program Benefits
- Free childbirth classes to educate parents about the importance of a healthy pregnancy and birthing experience, the basics of infant care, safe sleep, breastfeeding, and postpartum care.
- Classes led by experienced labor and delivery nurses for support.
- Newborn care starter kits (diapers, wipes, baby rash cream, shampoo, lotion, etc.) provided to any participant who completes the program.
- Monthly diaper and wipe distributions.
- Access to health information and referrals to community resources.
- Additional programming available such as support groups, parenting classes, and social services to offer long-term support.
Who Can Enroll?
Any pregnant individual living in Anne Arundel County is eligible to participate, but the program’s emphasis is on engaging women who are at an increased risk for having a low birth weight baby or premature birth.
How to Enroll
To register, please call Nest and Nurture at 410-787-4366 or fill out the request form and someone will call you to complete the registration process.
Car Seat Safety Checks
Is your child’s car seat installed correctly? A Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician will demonstrate proper car seat installation, check for recalls and educate parents and caregivers on child safety. Appointments take approximately 45 minutes per car sear. Registration is required as space is limited. To make an appointment, visit
Parenting Groups
Parents' Morning Out
Celebrate the joys and address the challenges of parenting with other parents in your community. Informal monthly discussions are led by a certified childbirth educator and cover a range of topics that will vary each session. Join your parenting peers to share your experiences and receive support where you need it. Parent’s Morning Out is free and open to parents with at least one child who is five years old or younger. Registration is required as space is limited. To register, visit
New Beginnings of Parenthood
Join us for a free support group for connecting parents on the joys and triumphs of early parenthood. This is a safe space for parents seeking support, encouragement and connection during the postnatal phase. New Beginnings of Parenthood is open to parents with at least one child 12 months of age or younger. Registration is required as space is limited. To register, please visit:
Pascal Women’s Center Virtual Tour
Watch a tour of the Pascal Women’s Center.
How Can I Help?
Nest and Nurture relies on the generosity of the community to keep our diapers and wipes in stock for monthly distributions.
To make a monetary donation or to donate diapers and/or wipes, please call 410-787-4366 or email