Nathaniel "Nat" Richardson, Jr.

President and Chief Executive Officer
UM Capital Region Health
In May 2020, Nathaniel "Nat" Richardson, Jr., was selected as president and chief executive officer to lead University of Maryland Capital Region Health (UM Capital), a health care system that operates the recently opened University of Maryland Capital Region Medical Center in Largo (replacing University of Maryland Prince George's Hospital Center in Cheverly), University of Maryland Laurel Medical Center, University of Maryland Bowie Health Center, UM Capital Region Surgery Center and the University of Maryland Capital Region Medical Group.
Prior to his role as president and CEO of UM Capital, Mr. Richardson spent 15 years with the Huntsville Hospital Health System in Huntsville, Alabama, where he served in multiple executive roles, most recently as the president of Decatur Morgan Hospital.
During that time, Mr. Richardson brought three competitor hospitals together to form the Huntsville Hospital Health System. He has wide-ranging experience leading large-scale facility renovation and construction initiatives in addition to providing strategic oversight and system-wide operational leadership. Mr. Richardson has in-depth experience in strategic planning and development. He has successfully completed several hospital/physician joint venture projects and directed the development of new outreach community hospitals. He has effectively developed and implemented comprehensive, organizational culture change, and his executive oversight has included all major service lines and divisions within health systems.
As the chief executive officer with more than 34 years of experience in health care, Mr. Richardson is leading the organization at a pivotal time as UM Capital opens the doors of its new flagship hospital, UM Capital Region Medical Center, and begins construction on the new UM Laurel Health and Wellness Campus which will include a new and updated UM Laurel Medical Center.
Mr. Richardson has undergraduate degrees in radiological sciences and business administration with specializations in management and leadership. He earned his master's from the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University and he is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives.