father with presumably his son on his shoulders

Bariatric surgery requires a lifelong lifestyle change. It is not a quick fix.

What, when and how you eat will change, your level of activity will change, your social interactions will change and your health will change – all for the better! 

Recovering from Surgery

Minimally invasive procedures are performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. You can expect to be in the hospital for at least one night, possibly more, depending on the procedure and your overall health. 

You will be up and walking within a few hours of waking up from the procedure to minimize swelling and get you accustomed to moving, and we will send you home with detailed post-operative instructions and will schedule a follow-up appointment for you before you leave the hospital.  

Most patients are able to return to work within two weeks. 

We Are Your Partner

We will continue to monitor your progress with regular appointments so that we can help keep you on track and make any tweaks necessary to your diet or exercise regimens. 

It is important to remember that this is not a diet or an exercise plan; it has to become your way of life for the rest of your life.

Post-Surgical Diet and Exercise Regimen

Your new eating regimen will begin while you are still in the hospital after your surgery, beginning with a liquid diet and protein supplements for the first few weeks and gradually introducing more solid food. 

We will give you a detailed nutrition guide that describes what you can consume, in what quantities and in what timeframes. The guide will also show information about reading food labels, choosing your protein supplements and making healthy food choices.

Your post-surgical regimen will include a liquid protein supplement for the rest of your life. Protein is an essential building block of muscle in your body and a natural way to minimize feelings of hunger; people who consume significant amounts of protein feel fuller faster and longer than those who consume large amounts of simple carbohydrates.

Moderate exercise is extremely important for maintaining your weight loss and overall health.

Most patients start with walking and light stretching, and add some light weight training and other aerobic exercise over time. As you lose weight, exercising becomes easier and your health – especially your heart health – will continue to improve.  

Body Contouring Surgery

Significant and rapid weight loss often leaves the patient with excess skin around the waist, legs, buttocks, breasts and arms. Body contouring surgery is an option to improve comfort, function and appearance. 

UM Capital Region Health can refer you to board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeons who specialize in body contouring and skin removal surgery to help you look and feel your best. 

Support Group

To help you stay on track, we offer a regular support group where you can meet, talk and share with other bariatric surgery patients who know exactly what you are feeling. 

The support group provides a forum to share your experiences – both good and challenging – about your diet, managing newly re-defined social and engagements, recognizing and processing emotions that may crop up around food and stress, and much more.

This group of people can become your resource for tips and tools, as well as your support to navigate this new world and lifestyle.