The University of Maryland Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology (UMCDE) partners with the University of Maryland Children's Hospital to offer a range of specialized services to evaluate and manage patients with endocrine disorders, including growth problems and diabetes.

Diagnosing endocrine disorders can be very challenging, but our pediatric endocrinologists are experts in diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions.

Pediatric Endocrine Disorders Services

We use a comprehensive team approach in our diagnostic and treatment services for patients with all types of endocrine disorders including:

  • Thyroid diseases
  • Pituitary disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Adrenal disorders
  • Bone, calcium and other metabolic bone disorders
  • Gonadal disorders
  • Growth disorders
  • Puberty disorders

Pediatric Endocrinology Locations

Anne Arundel County

Pediatric Specialty Practice at Hanover
7556 Teague Road, Suite 420 Hanover, MD 21076

Baltimore City

UM Pediatric Specialty Care
827 Linden Avenue, 2nd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201

UM Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology
800 Linden Avenue
8th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201

Baltimore County

UM Pediatrics at Lutherville
1302 Bellona Avenue
Lutherville, MD 21093

Harford County

Specialty Pediatric Care, Bel Air
510 Upper Chesapeake Drive
Pavilion II, Suite 509
Bel Air, MD 21014