If you and your surgeon have decided that you are a good candidate for joint replacement surgery, you’ll want to spend some time preparing. By planning ahead and following this checklist, you can help eliminate challenges and ensure the best outcome from your joint replacement surgery.

Before Surgery

  • Complete assigned education programs
  • Get a physical 30 days before surgery
  • Ask about rehabilitation or exercise before your surgery
  • Make sure you have someone at home who can support you after surgery
  • Discuss pain management plan during your stay and once you leave the hospital/surgical area
  • Schedule your post-operative appointment with your doctor during your pre-operative visit
  • Stop smoking/tobacco products and drinking alcohol
  • Eat a balanced diet with 1 serving of high protein food 3-4 times a day. Tell your doctor if you're having trouble eating, eating less than normal, or losing weight.

2 – 5 Days Before Surgery

  • Confirm care partner is available during and after surgery
  • Pick up carbohydrate drink
  • Start your nasal prep medication twice a day 5 days before surgery
  • Pick up your skin prep wash
  • Finalize preparing your home for when you return after surgery
  • Stop blood thinning medications as directed by your physician (includes prescription blood thinners and over the counter drugs such as ibuprofen, Motrin and aspirin)
  • Stop shaving any part of your body for 2 days prior to surgery

The Day Before Surgery

  • 2 baths using the prescribed skin prep product, one in the morning and one in the evening
  • Drink 10 oz. carbohydrate drink as directed by your physician
  • Take your morning medications as directed by your physician (blood pressure, diabetic medications) Take medications as directed by surgical team

The Day of Surgery

  • Drink 10 oz. carbohydrate drink as directed by your physician
  • No solid food after midnight
  • Clear liquid up to 2 hours before surgery unless told differently by your physician
  • One bath in the morning using the prescribed skin prep product
  • Take your morning medications as directed by your physician (blood pressure, diabetic medications)

After Surgery

  • Drink clear fluids as tolerated & diet may advance as you improve
  • Your nurse or therapist will get you out of bed and help you take steps the day of your surgery
  • Before you leave the hospital:
    • Discuss your pain management plan with your care team (to include medication and ice)
    • Discuss discharge plan with the surgical team. Most patients receive home care or start therapy in an outpatient setting.
    • Make sure you have your discharge paperwork and education
    • Make a follow up appointment if possible before you leave the hospital or as soon as you get home
    • Make sure you have your assistive devices for walking or self-care before you leave