Conditions Treated - UM Spine Network
UM Spine Network surgeons treat all causes of pain or weakness in the neck and back, including injuries, degenerative conditions and spinal deformities.
- Degenerative disc disease – Changes occurring to spinal discs with age
- Disc herniation – When a disc between spinal bones pushes out
- Kyphosis – Forward rounding of the back and neck
- Myelopathy – Injury to spinal cord due to severe compression
- Pediatric Scoliosis – Spine curves sideways or rotates in children
- Sciatica – Back and leg pain with an inability to ambulate caused by compression of the lumbar nerves
- Adult onset Scoliosis – Sideways curve of the spine as a result of severe arthritic degenerative changes to the spine
- Spinal fractures – Break in a spinal bone, often caused by trauma
- Spinal stenosis – Narrowing of the spinal canal
- Spinal tumors – Growth that develops on spinal bones or in spinal canal
- Spondylolisthesis – A bone in the back slides forward over the bone below
Learn more about our approach to care or find a surgeon near you.