Bathing Before Spine Surgery
You will need to shower with special soap or wipes called chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG), or germ-killing treatment, before surgery. A shower using this soap or wipes will reduce your risk of getting an infection.
It is very important that you bathe with this treatment the day before your surgery in the morning, the night before your surgery and the morning of your surgery.
Why do I need to shower with CHG or Hibiclens?
- This soap is better at removing germs on your skin than regular soap.
- CHG works for 24 hours.
- Surgeries, drains, some medicines and being ill make it easier to get an infection.
- This soap helps keep you from getting an infection.
- Hospitals have germs that are hard to treat.
- If using wipes, please follow the instructions on the packaging.
How to Shower Using CHG Soap
During Shower
- In the shower or tub, wash your hair, face and genitalia as usual with your normal shampoo and conditioner or soap.
- Rinse your hair and body thoroughly to remove any soap and shampoo residue.
- Turn the water off to avoid rinsing the Hibiclens soap off too soon.
- With a clean washcloth, apply the Hibiclens soap liberally to your entire body, from your neck down. Follow the picture below going from number 1 to 8.
- Make no contact with your eyes, ears, mouth, internal genitals, or open wounds.
- Wash your body gently for five minutes, paying special attention to the area where the procedure will be done.
- Turn the water back on and rinse your body thoroughly.
- DO NOT wash with regular soap after the Hibiclens soap is used.

Wash These Areas with CHG Soap
- 1 = Neck, chest and tummy
- 2 and 3 = Both arms, arm pits, hands and fingers
- 4 and 5 = Both legs, feet and toes
- 6 = Back of neck, back, and shoulders
- 7 = Between your legs and private parts
- 8 = Bottom
Note: Use soap and water on your face. DO NOT use CHG above your jawline
After Shower
- Pat dry with a clean, soft towel.
- Dress in clean pajamas or clothes.
- Use clean sheets on your bed after washing.
- DO NOT put lotions, powders or oils on your skin after bathing.
Important: If you feel itchy or if your skin turns red, rinse your skin with water and stop using the product and contact your physician or their office.