Recruiting Nurses Through Alliances and Teamwork at UM CRMC
Recruiting Nurses Through Alliances and Teamwork (RN STAT Program) is a scholarship and mentoring program that University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center (UM CRMC) provides to candidates interested in a nursing career who have been accepted into the College of Southern Maryland.
The RN STAT applicant may come from any of the following categories:
- Charles County high school seniors
- Current UM CRMC employees
- Adult learners of the Charles County community
Requirements for Acceptance in the RN STAT Program
- Complete the RN STAT Program Application form
- Previous high school or college transcripts showing a GPA of 2.5 or greater
- A 250-word essay titled “Why I Have Chosen the Profession of Nursing”
- Verification of acceptance into the College of Southern Maryland
- Two personal letters of recommendation
All requirements should be in the Hospital Education Department office at UM CRMC by the last Friday in March. After the completed application packets are received, the RN STAT coordinator will schedule a date for a panel interview with the candidate at UM CRMC.
RN STAT Program Benefits
If the RN STAT Program requirements are met and maintained:
- The student receives full tuition for the nursing program, books, fees, and supplies.
- The student has the optional benefit of working in a shadowing capacity at UM CRMC up to 20 hours per week, earning minimum wage and having uniform costs covered.
- The student has the option of applying for state licensure as a certified nursing assistant after successful completion of the first clinical semester.
- The student is offered support, mentoring and additional learning activities through the UM CRMC Education Department that support the College of Southern Maryland Nursing curriculum.
Requirements to Remain in the RN STAT Program
- Students must complete all courses with a minimum grade of “C” in order to remain in the nursing program at the College of Southern Maryland.
- Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 to remain funded by the RN STAT program.
- Proof of academic standing will be required each semester to continue eligibility for funding by UM CRMC. An Authorization of Release of Information must be signed by the student, allowing UM CRMC access to their academic and clinical performance records.
- Students must attend RN STAT staff meetings at UM CRMC, as scheduled.
Where to Send Applications Packets
Please send all RN STAT applications packets to:
UM Charles Regional Medical Center
Hospital Education Department
Attn: RN STAT Program Coordinator
5 Garrett Avenue
La Plata, MD 20646
If you have any questions, please contact Christina O. Adeboyejo, MSN-Ed, BSN, RN, NPD-BC, hospital education specialist, at or 301-609-4492.