Kathy Deoudes

Kathy Deoudes


Tom Seip

Tom Seip

Vice Chairman

Paul Nicholson Headshot.

Paul Nicholson, MBA, FHFMA, MBA, FHFMA


Lu Ann Brady headshot.

LuAnn Brady, MSPH


Ken Kozel, President and CEO of UM Shore Regional Health

Kenneth Kozel, MBA, FACHE

President and CEO, UM Shore Regional Health

John W. Ashworth

John W. Ashworth

Kristin Jones-Bryce headshot.

Kristin Jones-Bryce, JD

Cassie Burton headshot.

Cassie Burton, PhD

Charlie Capute

Charles Capute

art cecil

Art Cecil, III

Head shot of Garret Falcone

Garret Falcone

m feldman

Marlene Feldman

Chrissy Helfenbein headshot.

Chrissy Helfenbein

Kim Herman headshot.

Kim Herman, MD

Dr. Wayne Hockmeyer headshot.

Wayne T. Hockmeyer, PhD

Joseph Hoffman headshot.

Joseph Hoffman

Kenny Kreiser headshot.

Kenny Kreiser

Keith McMahan

Keith McMahan

David Milligan headshot.

David Milligan

Milton Nagel headshot.

Milton Nagel

Eugene Newmier, MD

Eugene Newmier, DO

Valerie Overton headshot.

Valerie Overton

Talli Oxnam headshot.

Talli Oxnam

Headshot of Dr. Christopher Parry

Christopher Parry, DO

Christopher Runz headshot.

Christopher Runz, DO

s satchell

Stephen Satchell