UM Shore Medical Group - Women's Health provides health care for a woman's physical and mental health. Our women’s health team is made up of obstetricians, gynecologists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and midwives who partner to make sure that you receive the most comprehensive care possible.

Women's Health in the News

Watch this short video The Talbot Spy produced with Angela Charlotte Price, CRNP, DNP, WHNP BC, RNC OB/C EFM, a nurse practitioner with University of Maryland Shore Medical Group - Women’s Health and Jeanne Yeager, who is executive director of the Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence in Easton, about Intimate Partner Violence and the critical support the partnership with UM SMG - Women's Health and the Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence offers patients who are living with situations of abuse.

In the video, Price and Yeager discuss the importance of domestic violence screening during annual well-woman exams and the partnership between women’s health providers at UM SMG-Women’s Health and the Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence.

That partnership includes collaboration and communication to other providers, as well as referrals to ensure patients receive the assistance they need to find resources like transitional housing, pet assistance, legal assistance, medical and mental health assistance, and safe transitions for children, including school enrollment.

Domestic violence is a tragic and traumatizing experience. But you can get through it with a strong support system and a solid plan. If you or someone you know experiences domestic violence, having a safety plan can save your life. Learn more about the Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence at Help is also available via the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.


Obstetrics and Gynecology


To make an appointment at any of our locations, please call 410-820-4888.

Pelvic Health

Learn more about the continence and pelvic health services we provide.

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