Patient Rights and Responsibilities
The University of Maryland Medical System is committed to providing patients with quality care.
- Receive respectful, considerate, compassionate care, and to be treated without discrimination, regardless of your race, color, religion, ethnicity, culture, national origin, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, or ability to pay.
- Be provided a safe environment that preserves dignity and promotes a positive self-image, and to be free from financial or other exploitation, humiliation, and all forms of abuse and neglect, including verbal, mental or sexual abuse.
- Have a medical screening exam and be provided stabilizing treatment for emergency medical conditions and labor.
- Be free from restraint or seclusion of any form. Restraint or seclusion may only be used to ensure your immediate physical safety or that of others and must be discontinued at the earliest possible time.
- Know the names and professional titles of your health care team members, if staff safety is not a concern.
- Have respect shown for your personal values, beliefs and wishes.
- Be provided a list of protective and advocacy services when needed or requested.
- Receive information about your hospital and physician charges and ask for an estimate of hospital charges before care is provided and as long as patient care is not impeded. Charges may vary based on individual case.
- Receive information in a manner that is understandable, which may include: sign language and foreign language interpreter services; alternative formats including large print, braille, audio recordings and computer files; vision, speech, hearing and other temporary aids as needed and at no cost to you.
- Receive information from your doctor or other health care practitioners about your diagnosis, prognosis, test results, treatments and services, possible outcomes of care and unanticipated outcomes of care in sufficient time to facilitate decision making.
- Be provided a copy of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Notice of Privacy Practices.
- See your medical record in accordance with HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices.
- Be involved in your plan of care and discharge plan.
- Be screened, assessed and treated for pain.
- Refuse care or treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the possible consequences of the refusal.
- In accordance with the hospital’s visitation policies, choose a person to stay with you to provide emotional support during your hospital stay.
- In addition, in accordance with the hospital’s visitation policies, you can choose your visitors. You have the right to withdraw or deny visitation privileges at any time during your hospital stay. We do not restrict or deny visitation privileges based on race, religion, ethnicity, culture, national origin, language, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, or socio-economic status.
- An explanation if we restrict your visitors, mail or telephone calls.
- Appoint an individual, of your choice, to make health care decisions for you, if you are unable to do so.
- Create or change an Advance Medical Directive or a MOLST (Medical Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment); have these followed within the limits of the law and the organization’s capabilities.
- Create or change a Behavioral Health Directive; have these followed within the limits of the law and the organization’s capabilities.
- Give or refuse informed consent before any non-emergency care is provided, including benefits and risks of the care, alternatives to the care, and the benefits and risks of the alternatives to the care.
- Agree or refuse to take part in medical research studies, without agreement or refusal affecting the patient’s care. You can withdraw from a study at any time.
- Allow or refuse to allow the taking of pictures, recording or filming for purposes other than your care.
- Expect privacy and confidentiality in care discussions and treatments.
- File a complaint about care or infringement of rights and have the complaint reviewed without the complaint affecting your care.
- Be provided pastoral and other spiritual services.
- Know about professional and financial ties between institutions and people caring for you.
- An explanation of hospital rules.
Tell your physician, nurse or caregiver about your concern. If you believe further action is needed, we urge you to take any of these steps:
- Talk to the NURSE MANAGER of your unit.
- Contact the PATIENT ADVOCATE at 410-337-1560.
- Contact the MARYLAND OFFICE OF HEALTH CARE QUALITY at 410-402-8016, or by mail to: Office of Health Care Quality, Maryland Department of Health, 7120 Samuel Morse Drive, Second Floor, Columbia, MD 21046.
- Contact THE JOINT COMMISSION at, using the Report a Patient Safety Event link in the Action Center on the home page, or by FAX to 630-792-5636, or by mail to: Office of Quality and Patient Safety (OQPS), The Joint Commission, One Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181.
You and your family members have a right to discuss or relay any concerns and issues with the Patient Relations office.
- Providing the hospital with complete and accurate information when required, including the following:
- Your full name, address, home telephone number, date of birth, social security number, insurance carrier, employer
- Your health and medical history
- Present condition, past illnesses, previous hospital stays, medicines, vitamins, herbal products
- Any other matters that pertain to your health, including perceived safety risks
- Providing the hospital or your provider with a copy of your Advance Directive and/or MOLST, if you have them.
- Asking questions when you do not understand information or instructions.
- Telling your provider if you believe you cannot follow through with your treatment plan.
- Outcomes if you do not follow your care, treatment and/or services plans.
- Reporting changes in your condition or symptoms, including pain, to a member of the health care team.
- Acting in a considerate and cooperative manner and respecting the rights, safety and property of others.
- Following the rules and regulations of the health care facility.
- Keeping your scheduled outpatient appointments or cancelling them in advance if possible.
- Meeting your financial commitments relating to your bills for services. Contact the billing department if we can help with your payment arrangements.