Celebrating The Act of Giving

By encouraging philanthropic support, the Foundation is committed to supporting the growth of UM St. Joseph Medical Center through its affiliation with the University of Maryland Medical Center and School of Medicine. This partnership is allowing our medical center to expand services while providing leading edge academic medicine in a faith-based community hospital setting.

Health care for all of God's people, especially the poor, underserved, and elderly, remains an important tenet of UM St. Joseph Medical Center and, thus, the Foundation. We thank you, our friends and supporters, for recognizing that philanthropy can mean the difference between a good hospital and a great one. Your gifts continue to allow us to provide outstanding health care to our communities and help build a healthier future for our neighbors.

We are gratified that the original mission of the founding Sisters of St. Francis, to practice medicine with loving service and compassionate care, continues to be the hallmark of University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center and we thank you for your continued generosity.

To make a charitable gift online, please visit our online donation form. For more information about giving to the medical center, please call 410-337-1397 or e-mail SJFoundation@umm.edu.