Acupuncture—one of the oldest specialized medical therapies—has been used for centuries to help treat, manage and prevent health problems. During treatment, thin, sterile, disposable needles are inserted into specific parts of the body, known as acupuncture points. Acupuncture is:
Safe and effective, and appropriate for virtually everyone
Used to treat a variety of diseases and conditions, including stress, depression, hypertension, stroke and more, and to aid with pain management
Self-healing — promotes the body's natural ability to heal by triggering the release of neurochemicals, which influence the body's internal regulating system
Our range of integrative health services, offered at the Wellness & Support Center, include the following:
This creative and self-expressive form of therapy can include painting, drawing, jewelry-making, scrap-booking, crafting and more, as well as the production of written and/or illustrated accounts of life experiences. Art therapy and journaling can:
Allow patients to express themselves and process their health care experience in a creative way
Promote relaxation and stress reduction
Use the imagination to help patients connect with their feelings and address challenging emotional issues
Heighten the senses of empowerment and well-being
Help patients process feelings of grief, trauma and loss
Our team of trained specialists and peer counselors offers emotional and psychosocial support and access to resources during cancer treatment and beyond. We offer:
Ongoing educational post-treatment lectures
One-on-one consultations with a Cancer Institute social worker
Partner support information, designed to provide spouses and family members with coping strategies and information resources to help them, best support their loved one in treatment
For breast cancer patients, our Survivors Offering Support (SOS) program enables us to we can pair them with personal mentors—all of whom are breast cancer survivors, trained in all aspects of support
Our certified Healing Touch therapist uses gentle hand placements to restore one the body's senses of harmony and balance. Treatments may include light touch and/or placing hands just off above or around the body. Healing Touch:
Has been shown to reduce pain, anxiety and nausea
Can help facilitate balance and promote mind-body-spirit healing
Massage therapy involves manipulating the body's soft tissues by stroking, kneading or with the application of pressure, to promote physical and emotional wellness. Massage:
Achieving a state of mindfulness allows you to be fully aware of and open to what's happening in your life. Mindfulness:
Can be cultivated when sitting, walking, standing, and moving
May be practiced with meditation and other activities, such as yoga or sports
Helps you live in the present and is an excellent way to increase a sense of calm while decreasing anxiety
Increases clarity of thought and feeling, leaving individuals feeling less reactive and more in control
Enjoy these self-care videos featuring integrative therapies nurse Kathy Fritze, RN at your convenience:
Guided Self Chakra Connection, to help balance your physical and emotional energies for optimal calm and relaxation. Mind Clearing, which encourages positive thoughts and a restorative mindset by removing tension from mind and body
Mind Clearing, which encourages positive thoughts and a restorative mindset by removing tension from mind and body
Good nutrition supports good health, especially after a cancer diagnosis—and your diet can play a big part in your recovery. Our registered dietitian will help you understand the role that a good and balanced diet can play in your recovery, and provide nutrition advice and counseling for your best health during and after treatment. Nutrition counseling helps patients:
Understand the dietary impact of their cancer diagnosis and treatment, including any nutrition-related side effects
Plan an optimal diet for every phase of care—before and during treatment and throughout surgery, radiation and chemotherapy—for a healthy weight, increased strength and overall wellness
Address side effects—changes in taste preferences, appetite changes, weight loss and gain, swallowing issues, digestive changes, physical changes and more—related to treatment
Get answers to any questions or concerns related to their dietary health
Physical and occupational therapy treatment can help patients maintain strength and vitality throughout all phases of cancer treatment, from acute care (during chemotherapy, radiation and post-surgery) through long-term survivorship. Rehabilitation therapy:
Helps reduce fatigue
Improves balance, reducing the chances of falls and injuries
Strengthens muscles
Improves functionality
Controls pain
Helps manage side effects of lymphedema
Improves ability to perform daily activities
Learn more about our cancer rehabilitation services and how they can improve patients' quality of life during and beyond treatment.
Open and frank discussion regarding spiritual concerns helps patients and family members address issues of identity, hope, worth and purpose—and can positively influence quality-of-life and care options when one is faced with serious illness. Spiritual counseling encourages:
Coping through religion and spirituality
The discovery of a new life perspective and appreciation for what one has
Religious/spiritual transformation and inner growth
An acceptance of what is, and life's limits
The feeling of being part of a community of support, accompanied by prayer and sense of belonging