Urology is the branch of medicine concerned with the medical and surgical treatment of the urinary tract in men, women and children, and with the reproductive tract in men. According to the National Kidney Foundation, kidney and urologic diseases affect more than 13 million people, or about five percent of the U.S. population. The number of people affected by these diseases is expected to grow as the populations of older adults and racial and ethnic minority groups increase.
For men diagnosed with prostate cancer, St. Joseph offers an innovative procedure called radioactive seed therapy, or brachytherapy. Brachytherapy involves the implantation of radiation seeds directly into the prostate.
The urologic surgeons at St. Joseph are specialists in general urology, prostate surgery, including the new da Vinci™ prostatectomy technology, incontinence surgery, kidney stone surgery, laparoscopic urology, male infertility, male sexual dysfunction, pediatric urologic surgery and urinary tract obstruction. Surgical treatment of urologic cancers of the kidney, bladder and testicles also are included.
To find a urologist at St. Joseph Medical Center, please contact the Doctor's Directory, 410-337-1337 or Find a Doc.