UM St. Joseph Spine Institute

Phone: 410-337-4882 410-337-4882

Fax: 410-337-6782

7505 Osler Drive
Suite 500
Towson, MD 21204
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The Spine Institute at UM St. Joseph features an Osteoporosis Center, dedicated to bone health. Our goal is to provide patients and their families with knowledge regarding osteoporosis, including prevention and treatment. 

We have developed a team of health care professionals with expertise in orthopedics, physical therapy, nutrition, endocrinology and radiology to provide guidance and support for the patient with osteopenia/osteoporosis.

Our osteoporosis services include: 

  • Evaluation and management
  • Diagnostic test scheduling (bone mineral density/BMD, labs)
  • Education
  • Nutritional guidance and support
  • Referral for PT/OT services