Broken cigarette placed on calendar

Smoking cessation classes at University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health give you the education, resources and support you need to kick your habit and live healthier.

Our FREE, one-and-a-half-hour, once-weekly classes — held over four weeks — take place at the Kaufman Cancer Center. We will teach you about the dangers of smoking, share tips on how to quit and cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms, provide information on nicotine replacement products, and more.

It’s never too late to quit smoking. It won’t be easy, but we can help!

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Use of cigarettes (even e-cigarettes), cigars and other forms of tobacco (including smokeless tobacco) can damage your lungs. It can lead to serious conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States.

What’s more, smoking is expensive. A recent study estimates that the average out-of-pocket cost per smoker is $147,408 over a lifetime. Smoking costs the United States billions of dollars each year in health care spending and lost productivity from health conditions or premature death related to smoking. The habit can lead to higher health care and life insurance costs.

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. It can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, lung disease and other conditions.

Quit for your wallet. Quit for your family. Quit for YOU.

Contact Us

For more about our smoking cessation classes, please call 800-515-0044. Check our calendar of events for dates and times of upcoming classes.