Cancer Center Faculty Members wearing masks interact while monitoring computers.

When malignancies form inside the chest, that is called thoracic cancer. Experienced, personalized treatment for these cancers provide the best outcomes for patients.

At the University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center, our experts use the latest technology to diagnose and treat your disease. We partner with specialists throughout the University of Maryland to give you the best, most advanced treatment options available.

Our affiliation with the Maryland Proton Treatment Center gives patients access to cutting-edge treatment options. And our Thoracic Intermediate Care Unit helps our surgical patients to a quicker recovery and discharge.

Do you prefer an online appointment? Call 1-888-754-6631 to schedule one.

Types of Thoracic Cancer

Lung Cancer

While lung cancer is perhaps the best known and most widespread chest cancer, there are many types of thoracic cancer. Learn more about our lung cancer program.

Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer forms in the tube that runs from your throat to the stomach. Barrett's esophagus is frequently associated with this diagnosis.


This cancer happens in the layer of tissue that covers most internal organs. Its most common form — in the lining of the lungs — is a thoracic cancer. Read more about our mesothelioma program.

Metastatic Cancers to the Chest

When cancer spreads from another area of the body to the chest, this is a form of thoracic cancer.

Thymic Tumors

When tumors form on the thymus, a small organ in the upper chest that is part of the lymph system, this is a form of thoracic cancer.

Treatment for thoracic cancers may involve surgery, radiation oncology, chemotherapy, or a combination of these approaches.

Contact Us

To learn more about our thoracic cancer program or to make an appointment at the UM Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center in downtown Baltimore, call 410-328-6366.

Online Doctor Visit for Chest Conditions

UMGCCC already provides the highest levels of care for lung cancer and other chest conditions, but now patients may learn about their treatment options from the comfort of their homes. Call 1-888-754-6631 to learn more about our TeleThoracic program.