Getting a Hearing Test

Getting a hearing test, tinnitus evaluation or balance testing is the first step in making a change to improve your life.
A comprehensive hearing evaluation allows you to understand the options available to you and make an informed decision.
At University of Maryland Medical Center, our audiology team will test your hearing using advanced technology together with one-on-one, personal interviews.
Types of Balance and Hearing Tests
The types of testing performed depend on your age and the issues you are experiencing.
Audiologic Evaluations
For this evaluation, we determine your hearing ability through pure tone and speech testing. Testing procedures can be adapted for individuals of all ages and abilities.
Based on the test results, we will make recommendations for further evaluation or treatment, such as hearing aids, cochlear implants or a BAHA device.
Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Evaluations
The types of specialized testing we offer include:
- Auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing
- Otoacoustic emission (OAE) testing
- Level 2 and 3 of the universal newborn hearing screening
Evaluations for Hearing Aids, BAHA or Cochlear Implants
The first step in evaluating whether any of these technologies can help you is a comprehensive hearing test. With these hearing test results, done by the UMMC Audiology team or another provider, we can begin the process of evaluating which technology would provide the best benefit for your hearing needs
As part of our tinnitus and hyperacusis treatment program, we offer detailed evaluations prior to recommending any treatment. Learn how UMMC Division of Audiology diagnoses and treats tinnitus.
Balance Evaluations
To diagnose balance issues, we use a variety of tests to evaluate the balance system of individuals with dizziness, vertigo and imbalance. These tests include:
- Videonystagmography (VNG)
- Rotary chair (RC)
- Video head impulse testing (vHIT)
- Electrocochleography (ECOG)
- Vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP)
- Calorics irrigation
- Dix Hallpike testing
- Epley maneuver