Dr. Bartley Griffith performing aortic valve disease surgery

The pulmonary valve controls blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary valve, allowing oxygen-deficient blood into the lungs so it can be oxygenated.

Most commonly, pulmonary valve disease occurs because of a narrowing of the valve's opening, known as stenosis.

At the University of Maryland Medical Center, our physicians have years of experience in treating pulmonary valve stenosis, and offer noninvasive and open surgical approaches to help the disease.

Diagnosis and Symptoms of Pulmonary Valve Disease

Pulmonary valve disease is frequently classified as a congenital heart disease, where the heart doesn't form properly while the baby is in the womb and is present at birth. It can be diagnosed prenatally but often is not diagnosed until after birth when a doctor hears a heart murmur. Further testing would confirm pulmonary valve disease.

If pulmonary valve disease develops over time, the most common symptom is shortness of breath while exercising.

Treating Pulmonary Valve Disease

At the University of Maryland Medical Center, we provide customized, unique treatment plans for all of our patients.

When possible, we use non-invasive, catheter-based procedures to replace the valve. In some cases, open surgery is necessary.

If pulmonary valve stenosis is diagnosed soon after birth, we may elect to perform a balloon valvuloplasty with the intent of replacing the valve later in life.

Our interventional cardiologist, Michael Slack, MD, is able to help you no matter the procedure you require.

We encourage you to speak with your care team to develop the best plan for you and your family.