Active grandparents with grandson - time for hip replacement

When is it time to consider a hip replacement? The orthopedic hip specialists at University of Maryland Medical Center may recommend hip replacement to patients who, after non-surgical treatments for hip arthritis, continue to suffer and have the following symptoms.

You can make an appointment with one of our hip specialists by calling 410-448-6400 or request an appointment online.

Groin and Knee Pain

Most of the time, patients with substantial hip arthritis have pain deep in the groin. Hip replacement can effectively relieve this pain. Hip arthritis can also cause knee pain even when there is nothing wrong with the knee. The nerves that supply the knee run past the hip and are affected by the inflammation around the hip.

Typically, both the groin and knee pain associated with hip arthritis dramatically improve after hip replacement.

However, please note that patients with buttock pain may not benefit from hip replacement. Although this pain may be coming from the hip, it can come from the back and, therefore, may persist after hip replacement.

Bone-on-Bone Arthritis

When X-rays show that arthritis is to the point where the bones are touching, hip replacement becomes an option for relieving groin pain. Patients who have hip arthritis pain but do not have bone touching bone should maximize all non-operative treatments before considering hip replacement.

Some patients with a femoral head (the ball part of the hip) that is no longer round benefit from hip replacement, but this is considered on a case-by-case basis.

Interference With Daily Activities and Sleep

Before proceeding with hip replacement, your hip arthritis should markedly impact your daily living. Patients who are unable to climb stairs and put on shoes or who need a cane should begin to think about hip replacement. Also, when patients must change their activities or avoid social outings because of hip pain, it may be time to consider this procedure.

Patients who have hip pain that, at the end of the day, keeps them from sleeping despite the use of pain-relief medications should consider hip replacement.

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