$25,000 Award

Project Overview

This project aims to develop a mobile optimized website (MOW) as a method of bringing urgent and lifesaving toxicity management for a group of drugs to the fingertips of bedside clinicians. In order to create an accurate and valuable experience for bedside clinicians who treat patients receiving these drugs, a prototype MOW is being enhanced and polished. The goal is that nurses, pharmacists, and providers at UMMC and other cancer centers will use this MOW regularly to help treat patients.

Project Team

  • Tracy T Douglas, DNP, RN Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Saurabh Dahiya, MD, MBS, Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Kathleen Ruehle, RN, Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Jennifer Nishioka PharmD, BCOP, Pharmacy
  • Cathy Karska, BSN, RN, Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Eun-Shim Nahm, PhD, RN, FAAN, UMB SON
  • Noah Max Rapoport, Columbia University
  • Matthew J. Rosenberg, Columbia University

Midpoint Progress Updates – June 2022 Updates

The team successfully refined the prototype and created a MOW draft of the final product. The algorithm for the drug Yescarta has been finalized and the other drug algorithms will follow the same structure. Clinicians who are experienced and knowledgeable about CAR T have had the opportunity to work with programmers, marketing, and others to bring the MOW to life. The team is finalizing the MOW and preparing it for testing prior to launching it to UMMC.

Final Report Summary – January 2023

A Mobile Optimized app showing FDA inserts of six CAR-T drugs

The team has successfully developed a mobile optimized website that helps health care teams with quick decision-making support to standardize assessment and emergency treatments for patients receiving highly regulated and toxic CAR T drugs.

The mobile optimized app includes FDA inserts of six CAR-T drugs. Pre and post tests have shown an uptake in usage by providers. The team has received positive feedback on the usability of the app.

The app has implications for IP rights, and the team will continue to investigate possibilities for expanding usage.