Phone: 240-719-7648 240-719-7648

Fax: 240-696-2628

9300 Lottsford Road
Suite 300
Largo, MD 20774
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The University of Maryland Surgical Associates is a team of highly skilled and board-certified physicians who specialize in vascular surgeries. They use the latest endovascular therapies to diagnose and treat vascular diseases and perform other surgical procedures in their advanced office-based lab located in Largo, MD. With their expertise, they elevate the quality of patient care, ensuring the efficient delivery of vascular and other surgical services.


Our specialists use the latest techniques to screen, evaluate, and diagnose the following conditions:

  • Vascular Surgery
    • Dialysis Access
    • Peripheral Vascular (PAD)
    • Venous Access
  • Transplant Surgery
  • Nephrology
  • Hepatology
  • Heart Failure Clinic

Physicians at University of Maryland School of Medicine receive specialized training in vascular medicine and surgery. They adopt a multidisciplinary approach to patient care and work with specialists from the University of Maryland, including primary care physicians, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and neurosurgeons. This collaborative effort ensures patients receive personalized treatment plans that meet their needs.


Monday-Friday: 8 am-4 pm

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