The University of Maryland Medical Center offers residents and fellows competitive salary and benefits.

Resident/Fellow Salary Structure for July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

Resident Job Titles

Annual Salary

Resident PGY-1


Resident PGY-2


Resident PGY-3


Resident PGY-4


Resident PGY-5


Resident PGY-6


Resident PGY-7


Resident PGY-8


Fellow Job Titles

Annual Salary

Fellow PGY-4


Fellow PGY-5


Fellow PGY-6


Fellow PGY-7


Fellow PGY-8



Resident and Fellow Benefits at University of Maryland Medical Center (Please refer to Attachment A of FY25 Contract)

Disability Benefits

*Although the majority of the residents and fellows are employed by the University of Maryland Medical Center, there are some residents and fellows that are employed by the military. Those employees should contact their benefit personnel office to access the benefits.