MedHub provides functionality for outside Trainees, staff and Faculty who may not be employed by the institution or who may not have a MedHub profile requiring a user name and password for access to complete evaluations quickly and easily.

Examples of outside evaluators could be:

  • Faculty that trained a Trainee during an elective in another city/country
  • Staff or Nurses that typically would not have a MedHub profile
  • Faculty employed outside the institution at a Doctor's office or similar environment

Users set up as outside evaluators are not required to log into MedHub to complete an evaluation. They receive emails with links to the actual evaluation forms.

Evaluations > Outside Evaluators

outside evaluators screen

The following screen will display:

add outside evaluator screen

Select 'Add Outside Evaluator' and the following screen will be returned.

modify outside evaluator screen

Populate the required information:

First Name
Last Name
User Type
Email (this is required for electronic delivery)

Note: A Form data error alert will appear if an invalid e-mail address has been enter. Re-enter the outside evaluator's information.

Outside evaluators can also be tagged to service groups and clinics. This allows them to be used when automating evaluations for these users. Refer to the Automated Evaluations section for more information.

Because outside evaluators are not sent email reminders to complete the evaluation forms delivered to them, the Administrator can resend the evaluation link if needed. To do this, go to Evaluations > Incomplete Evaluations. All evaluations that were delivered to an outside evaluator will have a 'Resend Link' and 'Send Email' option under the 'Incomplete Evaluations' page. The 'Resend Link' will send the link through the MedHub email system. The 'Send Email' link will open an email within the Administrator's personal email system and include the link to the evaluation form. The 'Send Email' link will allow the Administrator to customize the email being sent to the outside evaluator.