If you are not receiving low score notification from MedHub, please ensure the following:

  1. You have Low Score parameters set up on your evaluations.
    This is found by going to “Manage Evaluations” found on the right side of the main Evaluations tab. Select the evaluation you’d like to verify and scroll down to the “Questions/Headers” Section.  If “No” is listed under the Alerts/Comments column, you will need to edit the parameters for notification by clicking NO.
  2. Ensure that Low Score notification is turned on in your Program Settings
    (Home> Site Management>Program Settings>Evaluations>Send Admin Low Score Alerts) Don’t forget to save your changes!
  3. If the Program Director is still not receiving notifications, please verify that they have checked their Account Status located on the top right corner of the Home page.
    Go into User Preferences and make the changes here. Select "Director Low Score Alerts" and enable email notification. Don’t forget to hit “Save”.