Our Residents - Internal Medicine Residency
For 2024-2025, we have 155 residents in the Department of Medicine plus five full-time chief residents who have completed their residency training:
- 2 University/VA chiefs
- Primary care chief resident
- Chief resident specializing in patient safety and quality improvement
- Chief resident at Mercy Medical Center
We also have chief residents in their final year of training in Med-Peds and EMIM.
There are 104 categorical, 16 Med-Peds and 10 EMIM residents, plus 25 preliminary interns (7 at UMMC-VA and 18 at Mercy Medical Center). In addition, we have 7 Prelim-Neurology and 8 Prelim-Anesthesiology interns.
Our Residents
Working and Living in Baltimore
With our training sites located in the heart of Baltimore, residents often also live nearby campus. The map below gives an idea of where our residents work, live and spend their free time. Learn more about living in Baltimore.
Our Graduates
Our residents have been highly successful in securing fellowships, hospitalist positions and primary care jobs when they finish their training at Maryland. Check out our grads, their medical schools, and their career choices for the last 10 years.