Trauma Critical Care Medicine - Grand Rounds
Below is the list of presenters and their talk topics. To schedule a Grand Rounds talk, please complete the Grand Rounds request form.

Daniel Herr, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Chief, Surgical Critical Care Seniors
Director, Cardiac Surgery and Heart Transplant ICUs
- The ONLY True Long Rest Therapy: ECMO
- Delirium and Sedation Management Treatment
- Surgical Critical Care for the Internist: What You Should Know
- ICU Care: What Therapies Work
- Salvage Therapies for the Severe Lung Injury
- Renal Protection
- Therapeutic Temperature Management: How, When and Where? ECMO

Joseph Rabin, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
- Management of Aortic Injury
- Thoracic Trauma
- Pre-hospital Trauma Care

Paulesh Shah, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
- Enterocutaneous Fistula Management