Makayla Mogel, BSN, RN received this month's award for exemplifying the sensitivity and compassion that define The DAISY Award.
Read the nomination letter and please be sure to check out our other Daisy Award honorees.
Nominate a Nurse
Know an extraordinary nurse? Consider nominating him or her for a DAISY Award!
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses is a national recognition program to honor exemplary nurses. The UMMC DAISY Committee chooses one nurse each month to receive the DAISY Award.
Patients, visitors, nurses, physicians or employees may nominate a deserving nurse by filling out the form below. Please describe a specific situation or story that clearly demonstrates how this nurses made a meaningful difference in your care, or in the care of another. Feel free to use additional pages.
Nominations must be received by the 15th of the month to be considered for the following month's DAISY Award.
Contact the DAISY Coordinator.