Our Partnership With UM School of Nursing

UMNursing is an academic-practice partnership between University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) and University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON). Founded in 2007, it was developed to strengthen the transition from student to professional nurse and the advancement of nurse professionals.
In 2019, UMNursing was expanded to include all University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) hospitals. The partnership aims to maintain and grow a collaborative environment that promotes lifelong learning and the development of professional nurses through innovative research opportunities, practice and education geared toward optimizing health care outcomes.
The success of UMNursing has created opportunities for deeper collaboration between UMSON and UMMC and in the nursing community at large. UMSON faculty and UMMC nurses serve on advisory bodies for each other's programs and worked together on initiatives to ensure synergy and continued success. UMNursing has had a lasting impact on the nursing community of Maryland and health outcomes for the communities we serve.
As executive sponsors of UMNursing, Jane Kirschling, PhD, RN, and Karen Doyle, DNP, MBA, have a shared vision for strengthening nursing practice, leading change and advancing health. Their vision is supported by UMNursing co-chairs Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, and Greg Raymond, DNP, MBA. Galik and Raymond jointly facilitate the strategic planning, implementation and evaluation of the three UMNursing Working Teams.
UMNursing Working Teams
Though part of the academic health campus, UMMC and UMSON have separate corporate structures and reporting relationships. Each team is co-led by an UMSON faculty member and a UMMC nursing leader.
Entry-Level Education and Practice
The team aims to explore innovative opportunities that meet the professional development needs of students, nurse graduates and first-year practicing new nurses.
Through this team's work, improvements to the entry-level curriculum, infrastructure supporting entry into practice and standardized development of nursing preceptors have been realized and are continuously improving.
Graduate Level Education and Practice
The team aims to foster collaborative practice/academic relationships that lead to advanced practice registered nursing (APRN) student placements and student recruitment at UMMC and faculty practice sites.
The many accomplishments of this team include a residency/fellowship program for newly graduated nurse practitioners, a three-tiered professional advancement model for APRNs, and expanded faculty practice opportunities for both UMSON faculty and UMMC nursing staff.
Nursing Research
The team collaborates with other faculty members and practicing nurses to identify research priorities and opportunities and provides mentorship in research design, implementation and dissemination. Funding support for this research is shared by UMSON and UMMC. The Nursing Research team's work has led to the completion of 12 research studies, six of which have resulted in federal research grants.
Jane Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN Karen E. Doyle, DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
UMSON Bill and Joanne Conway UMMC Senior Vice President