Welcome to the University of Maryland Neurologic Physical Therapy Residency!

The Neurologic Physical Therapy Residency program is dedicated to developing physical therapy leaders in neurologic clinical practice, research and service through a collaborative partnership with the UM Rehabilitation Network, the UM School of Medicine Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science and the UM Eastern Shore Department of Physical Therapy to optimize advanced neurologic physical therapy services for the citizens of Maryland and beyond.

Our mission is to leverage the exceptional clinical, research and educational resources at our collaborative partners to develop visionary leaders in the field. Our graduates will provide optimal patient care while demonstrating clinical excellence and commitment to lifelong learning in the pursuit of scientific and clinical knowledge.

We aspire to have one of the premier neurologic physical therapy residencies in the country, with our graduates becoming leaders in the field both regionally and nationally. In addition to demonstrating a commitment to advancing the physical therapy profession, graduates of our program will provide mentorship and leadership to current and future physical therapists in order to advance the betterment of our profession and the community. Graduates will also demonstrate a commitment to scholarship and research in an effort to contribute to the scientific advancement of the field of physical therapy.

We look forward to working with the next generation of neurologic physical therapists. If our program interests you, we invite you to explore the rest of our site for more information.

Amanda Leonard, PT, DScPT, NCS
Program Director, University of Maryland Neurologic Physical Therapy Residency